Kulturno dobro: Zavičajni muzej Ganića kula



Ganića Tower is one of the oldest buildings in Rožaje, built at the beginning of the 19th century, and was once used as a residence. Today, it is one of the few old buildings on the territory of the city that have been preserved. The Ganićs were a rich family of the region, they had their own chitlukas, kept livestock and hired servants.

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Cultural site details

The facility was a three-story building. The two floors above the room, as well as the room itself, were built of carved and naturally shaped stone. The thickness of the foundation walls is 120 cm, but they taper from the outside, so they are 90 cm thick at the top of the second floor. The last floor was built of wood and was called the attic. The tower is covered with a wooden roof covering - shingles. On top of the roof there is a wooden, carved spike 150 cm long. In 1979, the tower was damaged by an earthquake. The municipality then bought the building from the Etem-age Ganić family, and the building was entered into the register of protected monuments in 1987. In the 1990s, the Institute for the Protection of Monuments deleted the Ganić Tower from the register. In 2012, conservation measures were carried out, and in 2014, the arrangement of the plateau and the fencing of the building was ensured. The reconstruction was carried out in 2019/2020. year: the stone part of the building and the wooden structure, i.e. porch and shingles, were renovated, and work was also done on strengthening the foundation. Today, the Kula houses the Native Museum of Rožaj, which collects, preserves, presents and publishes original testimonies about the life and customs of the people of Rožaj.