Part Of Town Center Ivanjica


The remains of the city center of Ivanjica date from the 19th and 20th centuries. The accelerated development of Ivanjica began in 1830, with the acquisition of the hatisherif, after which, due to the defection of numerous Serbs from Nova Varoš, Prijepolje and Sjenica, the urban structure of the town with the bazaar was formed. The central part is Milinka Kušića Street, a pedestrian zone where the spirit of the old bazaar is preserved. In the beginning, there were trade and craft shops in this street, and with the change and development

of new economic activities, the appearance and purpose of the bazaar buildings are changing. The houses from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century are mostly single-storey and one-storey buildings. The ground floors have commercial, craft or catering purposes, while upper floors are residential.

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Cultural site details

Within the bazaar, according to their monumental values, the old stone bridge from the 19th century, Kusic han and Jeremic house stand out as authentic examples of traditional folk architecture in this area, as well as the church of the Holy Emperor Constantine and Empress Helen, from 1836, with frescoes and a classicist iconostasis of great value, by Dimitrij Posnikovic from 1862. A monument to fallen fighters against fascism was erected in the park next to the church after the Second World War with a mosaic of the famous painter and graphic artist, George Andrejevic Kun.