Old Race Monument Area


Stari Ras was a Serbian medieval town and the central capital of the Serbian medieval state of Raška. A series of monuments illustrates the historical and spiritual-artistic continuity in the life of this area, from Nemanja's conquest of power and laying the foundations of an independent Serbian state, through the establishment of the first mint in the time of King Radoslav, change of throne at the Deževo assembly. the rise of the country under tzar Dušan rule,

and even during the period of Turkish domination. Architectural and painting achievements of authentic and invaluable artistic values are firmly connected with events and personalities of crucial importance for the history of the Serbian people over a period of several centuries. In this area are the church of St. Peter and Paul, the monasteries Đurđevi stupovi and Sopoćani, the remains of a fortress above the mouth of the Sebečevska river in Raška and other archeological sites.

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Cultural site details

The monumental area of Stari Ras has been declared a Spatial cultural and historical entity of exceptional importance. Stari Ras is a medieval complex of monuments located at the place where the roads from the west and the south connected and led further to the east. During one millennium, various armies and states changed here, and the importance of the city grew and decreased over time. The complex consists of several monuments, and the most important sites included in the research are: Gradina on Pazarište with Podgrađe, Trgovište, Gradina in Postenje, Reljina gradina, the church in Naprelj and the Latin church in Postenje. Gradina on Pazarište with Trgovište, together with the nearby monastery of Sopoćani, the monastery of Đurđevi Supovi and the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, testifies to the greatness and importance of Ras in the Serbian medieval state.