Memorial Ossuary


The memorial ossuary and the church in which, in the crypt below the altar space, are buried the bones of over a hundred warriors of the Priboj region who died in the Balkan wars and in the First World War is dedicated to Prince Lazar. The construction of the church began in 1932, according to the project of the architect of the Ministry of Construction, Predrag Zrnic, and was completed in 1940.

The church is designed in the Serbian-Byzantine style, with the base in the form of a developed triconch with an octagonal dome above the central space. The Alseco painting is the work of Russian painters Ivan Diki and Boris Obraskov, while the ornaments are the work of Anatoly Nikitin from Belgrade. The figures of the Karadjordjevic dynasty are shown on the west wall. There is a white marble iconostasis in the church.

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Cultural site details

Due to the dilapidation of the roof made of tiles, works on the building were carried out in 1979 in the organization of the Institute in Kraljevo. On that occasion, a fence was made around the gate.2 The condition of this immovable cultural property is relatively good. However, the Memorial Ossuary in the center of Priboj, with a crypt in which the remains of 123 fighters of the Priboj company are, has been left to neglect for years. Someone long ago tore off a five-pointed star from the top of this monument, which was never returned to its place later.