Manastir Dobrilovina



Construction of the monastery complex began in 1593, and ended in 1610. Throughout the XVII and XVIII centuries, the monastery was destroyed by Turkish raids destroying the property and valuables of the monastery. Church sv. Đorđa was consecrated in 1609. At the time of Iguman Jovana, thanks to Vojvode Radiča Milošević and a group of local monks. Dobrilovina was a good snub-bed of church objects.


Although he had scrofula and an unapproachable position, Turkey sued, however, in 1799. year he abandoned Dobrilovin. Before this attack, Kaluderi managed to collect precious things from the monastery and buried them in a cave. These valuable objects were never returned to Dobrilovin. The restoration of the abandoned monastery was succeeded by Hieromonk Makarije, who arrived from the monastery of Vračesnice in 1833. year, with the help of Jovana Savića and Pope Vida from Saranaca. Soon a new discovery came to Dobrilovine, which revealed the manuscript of the monastery's Katastika from 1833. year. Founder Mihailo Dožić, with the help of Saranac, renovated the monastery in 1866. Dožić opened a school and a monastery. The Turks destroyed the last building of Dobrilovin in 1877. They burned its corner, destroyed a church. The church was renovated in 1905. year. Dragocenosti from Dobrilovine unfortunately did not save. Deset manuscripts which are kept in the People's Library in Beogradu, established by the bombardment of 1941. Since then, Nikoljcu has kept two books from Dobrilovine.

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Details about cultural good

Manastir Dobrilovina is located in the village Don ja Dobrilovina in the valley Tare, on its left bank, directly next to the road Mojkovac – Žabljak. The church and monastery are dedicated to St. George. The Church was an important factor in social and political development and in politics. Although without a large image, Dobrilovi was not protected by an inhospitable terrain. The monastery was staffed by scribes, whose books were sought by eminent public leaders and were highly prized. Due to the activities of the Dobrilovinsk monastery, the Turks often attacked the monastery, causing significant damage to it, but the local population rebuilt it after each such destruction, giving it an always new and better shine. The frescoes found in that church depict the 17th century, somewhat eroded and damaged, but still represent the ancient first medieval art. In the late 19th century, a wooden bell tower was built next to the church, which is today a visual symbol of the monastery. Nearby are the gates of the monastery in a ruined old corner. The frescoes of the monastery are partially preserved.

The monastery church's proportions, somewhat humanized dimensions, reminiscent of the Monastery Morača, are known under the name “Mala Morača”. The construction of the corner in front of the church object, with its position, volume and architecture, threatened the spatial dominance of this cultural good.