Medieval Town Jagat


The town of Jagat is one of the nine medieval towns in the Lim Valley. The exact date of the city's origin is not known, and it was first mentioned in the middle of the 15 century. At the foot of the fortress there was a medieval square, around which today's Priboj was built. During its history, the fortress was also called Biscanski grad, Zaklon Biscanski and Priboj. Throughout history, the fortress has come under the rule of Serbs, Turks and Bosnians. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. Its final destruction took place in 1832, when the army of the Bosnian opposition leader, Husein Gradaščević, stormed the fortress during a revolt against the Ottomans and completely destroyed and burned it.

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Cultural site details

The fortification had an irregular elongated shape, with a triangular base. The remains of the wall of the fortress, about 1.2 meters thick, are between 1.5 and 3.5 meters high, and within the fortifications there were also defensive towers whose remains are still visible. The main tower of the fortification was built into the fortification itself on the northwest side of the city, with a wall 2.8 meters thick, rounded in shape and with two wells of drinking water.

In the upper town, which is unusual, the fortress had a well of drinking, spring water, which allowed it to withstand sieges for a long time. The dungeon tower is located on the northwest side of the fortress and had a cistern for collecting water. The thickness of the tower walls was 2.8 meters. The second tower was located on the northeastern part of the hill. From that side, the approach to the fortress was the easiest. A rampart 1.2 meters thick and about 90 meters long, connected this tower with the rest of the fortifications. This rampart has been preserved to this day at a height of between 1.5 and 3.5 meters.

Today we can only see the ruins of the fortress. The wall connecting the tower in the northeastern part of the hill with the rest of the fortress is clearly visible. Of the towers, only the remains of the foundations remain. At the rest of the dungeon tower, there are shaped stone steps that descend to the lower level of the city. Outside the walls, at the highest part of the mountain, there are several caves where traces of manual stone carving and shaping of the cave itself can be recognized. The site is in a very bad condition, growing into trees and bushes. In addition to Jagat, on the territory of the municipality of Priboj, there are 3 more medieval fortifications: Ostro, Ravanjski town and Oštrik, as well as one Roman fortification - Severin.