Izlit fortification


Based on the first available written sources, it was believed that the fortification dates from the first half of the 17th century, but recent archaeological findings suggest that the fortification was probably built in the 4th or 5th century.

It is assumed that in this area there was a border between Prevalis and Dalmatia, which led through the Ibar Valley to the Kosovo plain, to Albona.

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Cultural site details

The remains of the fortification discovered on Ganić karst is a rampart, i.e. a wall 1.8 meters high and about a hundred meters long. On the wall, after about thirty meters, the central gate, ie the circular tower, was discovered as the entrance to the fortification. Several fragments of pottery and a couple of metal objects were found, which shows that the fortification was used only for defense purposes. It is a strategically important location located in a position that dominates the entire area of the municipal territory. The advantage of Izlit is that it could only be approached from the north, while there is a natural barrier from the south, and it is similar from the east and west.

Izlit Fortress is now covered with earth and it is not possible to determine exactly how deep it is in the earth. It is believed that there is a wall 100 meters long in this place. Inside the walls are the foundations, watchtowers, and towers. Izlit has both cultural and tourist potential, also for the extraordinary scenic viewpoint.