Cabin Church In Radijevici


The church is located on the slopes of Mount Javor, next to the village cemetery. It is dedicated to the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God. Church of St. Trojice in the village of Radijevici on Zlatar was built in 1808 by the priest Vasilija Puric, originally from Herzegovina. During the short truce during the First Serbian Uprising, it was built on the steep land of a house-like place of worship, probably to cover up its purpose. The first conservation and restoration works were organized by the Institute in Kraljevo in 1973-1974. The conservation of the icons was carried out in 1960, together with the protective works on the church.

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Cultural site details

The church is basically in the shape of a free cross. On the east side, the building ends with an apse, which is polygonal on the outside and semicircular on the inside. The church is a clear example of the symbiosis of stylistic features of the Raška school and elements of Islamic architecture. The building has two narthexes, the older one which used to be the main entrance on the west side, and the newer one with the entrance on the north wall. The floor of regular stone slabs was laid at the time of the church's construction, as evidenced by the discovery of bronze coins of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy (1636).

Above the stone masonry basement rises a building made of planks, a square base with a shingled roof. The altar apse is not the width of the church and, like the basement, is built of crushed stone. The doors on the north and south sides of the temple are modestly decorated, while the window opening is made of three vertical, profiled slats. Having fled with his family to a remote goldsmith's village, Vasilije Purić, apparently from his native monastery, brought five icons of the gifted painter Andrija Raičević, as well as a silver, partially gilded discus with an inscription. Discos was in 1673/74. donated to the "Monastery of the Architect on the Tara River" by painter Andrija. It is assumed that the icons were created at the same time and for the same church. All are of equal dimensions, painted on a red background, with representations of Christ, the Virgin with the Little Christ, the Archangel Michael, the Apostles Peter and Paul and St. George who kills the dragon. In terms of style, the icons from Radijević belong to the most beautiful achievements of the 17th century. Their conservation was carried out in 1960, at the same time as the protective works on the church.