

Srednjovjekovni grad Brskovo is located in the north-eastern part of Crne Gore, 6 km east of today's Mojkovca. Brskovom is the name of a whole complex of small localities between the rivulets Tare, Rudnice and Bjelojevića. Brskovski rudnici su ostavili dosta tragova i u toponomastici. At the dominant site were found the remains of a fortified town that controlled the area near Brskova. From the year 1254 it is mentioned under the Latin name “Brescoa”. Prema historical

Sources Sasi su before 1254. years of settlement in Brskovu. They founded their community, and those who are allowed to have their own church, their own church. The greatest development Brskovo experienced in the period around 1280. year, when it had its own settlement with a market. In 1277, he minted the first coin in Brskovu. In Brskovu she was able to establish a carina. At the beginning of the XIV century the importance of Brskova began to decline, from 1350 onwards it completely disappeared. The Osmanlije su zauzele 1399. year, the Dubrovčani read a text from 1433. The year they reigned among the abandoned places. Brskovo was the only economic center that, in terms of the value of production and revenues generated, could compare with cities on the seashore.

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Details about the cultural property

Brskovsko fortification is located on the site of Brdu Gradina and its body forms the whole terrain. Due to this, it is established on a highly developed foundation, culminating in a large circular dome at the eastern and western ends. Strategically positioned in a dominant position, it ensures the safety of the caravan and the rudder-related activities. Severoistočno od Gradine, u mestu Doganjice, nazitilo se settlement sa trgom, carinarnicom i crkvom. Today the entire area of ​​Doganjika is covered with forest, but clearly visible are the traces of human activities of the XX century. Research, however, showed that it was not a radio, but the remains of a monumental building, 22 m long and 8,20 m wide - the courtyard. Of the entire building, only its entrance hall was partially destroyed, while the rest of it remained covered with a thick layer of ashlar. The internal space dimensions 6,20x2,80 m, looks like a later addition to the building. These massive walls, 0,90 m thick (in the eastern part even 1,20 m), were built using pressed limestone or mortar with the help of very strong mortar. This facade was taken from a book taken from Sige Naa, and was then transformed into a picture painted in red. Fragments of frescoes, unfortunately, are more closely spaced, which gives the overall picture, but the variety of colors and freedom and motifs reflect the richly decorated space.

The latest excavations of moving archaeological material confirm that the mine in the Brskovo market was active until the seventies of the XIV century. Archaeological research in the area of ​​Doganjice, that is, the place where the finds are found in the square and settlement of Brskovo, includes excavation work in rooms measuring 6,20x2,80 m, discovered in 2017. Removal of layers in the room revealed a necropolis consisting of 14 graves.